Over £90,000 raised for Charitable Causes to date
For many years, the business supported local charities in a variety of different ways without any formal structure. The decision was made in 2015 to create the Box & Charnock Foundation – a separate entity to the business with the ability to provide support to a wide range of charitable and community causes.
Employees and trade partners have raised funds for the Foundation in a variety of ways, including skydiving, fire walking, obstacle racing, dress down days, in-house quizzes, cycling through Tanzania and trekking through the Transylvanian Alps including volunteer work at a children’s hospice in Bucharest.
One of our most eagerly anticipated events is our annual golf day. It’s also our biggest fundraiser and is attended by industry colleagues, local businesses, company employees and friends of the Foundation. One of the biggest advantages of running the foundation is that it gives us the ability to support a range of causes at the same time.
We have raised over £90,000 for charities such as…
We like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has participated in one of our events, or who has sponsored a participant. Your support allows us to continue to have a tangible and positive impact on the community around us.
Environmental Policy
As a technical services provider, we are well aware of the impact that our daily operations can have on the environment.
We take our responsibility for green issues very seriously and our objective is to balance a need to achieve commercial goals with a sustainable and measurable improvement in our environmental performance.
In order to promote a greater understanding of our environmental policy, we regularly engage with employees, clients and supply chain across our business units. To underline our commitment in this area, we achieved the internationally recognised environmental management Standard, ISO 140001 accreditation in 2016.